40 million liters of water to charge the world’s iPhones

Technology Footprint: The shiny new iPhone in your pocket requires half a liter of water to charge. That may not seem like much, but with over 80 million active iPhones in the world, that’s 40 million liters to charge those alone. More Info »

Revolution OS

I watched this documentary before. Posting it here to give it some more mileage. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7707585592627775409 Revolution OS is a 2001 documentary which traces the history of GNU, Linux, and the open source and free software movements. It features several interviews with prominent hackers and entrepreneurs (and hackers-cum-entrepreneurs), including Richard Stallman, Michael Tiemann, Linus Torvalds, Larry…

If only your plants can Twitter…

If they can Twitter they will curse !@#$% you to high heavens for neglecting your potted pets. Thanks to technology they now can. You can buy (and assemble D-I-Y) the Botanicalls kit for your plant to start tweets to your handphone. The gadget measures moisture through 2 steel probes. It can say “URGENT! Water me!“,…

Gmail Emoticons

UPDATE: Just saw a TED Talk on 3-minute story of mixed emoticons. I just found out Google Mail has just added TONS of emoticons. More reasons to love GMail. Go ahead and let the email do the talking.

My first marathon– 10km Botak Paabilisan

UPDATE: The next races I’m signing up for are Race For Life and The New Balance Power Race at Clark. UPDATE 2: Official Race results are here courtesy of Takbo.PH (Thanks for the tip, Jinoe.) My official time was 1 hour 10 minutes Last Sunday I ran (and survived) my 1st marathon– Botak Paabilisan Road…

Make Poverty History?

I recalled I wrote a blog about the book “The End of Poverty” by Jeff Sachs. I bought it while travelling in Singapore. The title grabbed me immediately as something relevant for my country, the Philippines and timely as in right now. I will not attempt to make a book review here but I want…

WordCamp Firsts

L-R: Danilo Arao, Dean Benhur Ong, Blogie Robillo, Matt Mullenweg, Paul Pajo & Dave Quitoriano Last September 6, 2008 was indeed a lot of firsts. The 1st WordCamp in the Philippines and the first in Southeast Asia. First time for CSB (our host school) to be involved in an international Open Source event. RedMedia‘s first…

$930 iPhone and why Globe hasn’t learned from the Rogers fiasco

Being busy lately I missed this news. “WT?”. That’s the most expensive iPhone in the world since the Rogers iPhone fiasco. So let’s do the math. $599 (with AT&T) vs ~$930 (41,889 / P45) What’s so special with the Globe iPhone that we need to shell out P41,889 (8GB)? For those whose blood ain’t boiling…

Ten reasons to neither accept nor give a diamond ring.

Some pretty atrocious things are happening in the diamond industry which is run by De Beers like a Cartel. You’ve Been Psychologically Conditioned To Want a Diamond, Diamonds are Priced Well Above Their Value, Diamonds Have No Resale or Investment Value, Diamond Miners are Disproportionately Exposed to HIV/AIDS, and more reasons. read more | digg…

Elegie Trailer Study by Mo Zee starring Jourdan, Marc Abaya, Monica Llamas

Trailer study of Mo Zee’s movie “Elegie” that will be showing in 2007. Featuring Jourdan “the Dreamer” Sebastian as a rock star whose brother played by Marc Abaya is a virtuoso pianist with a manic depressive/bipolar disorder in a love triangle with the character played by Monica Llamas who slowly loses her hearing. I want…

Nice Scrabble(tm) sofa sets with matching pillow letter tiles

A unique design of chair sets inspired by Scrabble/Wordplay with matching pillow letter tiles by the guys from Stephen Reed Industrial Design. Installed in the London Offices of Bloomberg financial services since 2004. read more | digg story

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